Christine, Clay, and the Love of Writing

Pencil in hand, Christine stared at a blank piece of paper, lines of worry etched across her brow.

“I don’t know what to write.”

Although she was a strong student and avid reader, writing was a challenge for Christine. Every week, she had a difficult time finding a topic to write about. Usually she settled on safe subjects such as dry descriptions of a recently read novel, or bland narrations of typical weekends. There was no joy in her writing at all.

However, I saw a different side of Christine before class one day. A fluffy white Bichon Frisé stood by her side. She let go of his leash, gave him a hug, and whispered, “See you at home, Clay. Love you.” This gave me an idea.

During class, before the lines of worry appeared on her brow, I suggested:

“Why don’t you write about Clay?”

As soon as she heard his name, Christine’s eyes lit up. Frantically, she started to scribble a story about the first time she met a cute, curly, but crazy little canine. I could see her smiling as she wrote one of her most inspired essays about her best friend.

Today, Christine writes with the same joy for The Aragon Outlook, her high school newspaper. While she’s covered a pride prom, drama performance, and mock trial, her favorite article focuses on supporting students with disabilities. Naturally, she tutors young ESL students and, along with Clay, encourages kids to love books as part of the Read to a Dog Program.

We're overjoyed that Christine continues to write from the heart.

Read Christine’s articles